Allremedial Mesures
Allremedial Mesures
In some cases of consciousness, the mere thought of “remedial measure” becomes difficult to believe, such as in the case of the absolutist vision of the necessity and perfection of karma itself, which is arguably the highest vision to hold, in which case, no such measure are desired or believed in at all. Perhaps better than that is when the seer believes that the penultimate remedial measure is either complete disassociation with the cause of the connection of the seer to the karma, as in the case of those philosophically tracking with Adi Sankaracarya.
Similar to that is how it is with those tracking with Vaishnava thought Acaryas, who recommend seeing all such negative karmas as perfect mercy for our detachment from matter, and who thus use only attachment to Vishnu Bhakti as the one and only necessary remedial measure, and thus, use elements of such Bhakti as their only measure, doing more sadhana, doing more praying, etc., in all negative cases in life. This is why advanced Vaishnavas for example hardly care about their charts or dashas etc., except in a whimsical passing fashion like a pastime for fun or passing interest. Then there are those who are seeing on the platform of Karma Khanda, or Mimansha, and other karmic operating philosophical views, and these persons (which include most Westerners) have so many options to look into. This is where we usually discuss on this list- from the level of “it’s my karma, and I can change it myself through thought, action, puja, yoga, etc.”. Many of the advanced Jyotishis on this list and elsewhere are halfway or more involved in one of the two first mentioned philosophical paths, knowingly or unknowingly, and thus we sometimes see that responses from them are mixed between karmic corrective methods, and the methods coming from their higher philosophical views, which are growing in them. At the time of death, there isn’t much time left to arrange for yagyas. So, many materially based measures are dependent upon a certain set of material conditions in order to be started or carried out. Thus, they are by definition of the material plane more so than say prayer.
Gemini is Latin for twins and forms an image of two persons, usually (but not always) men who are twins. In the modern astrology horoscope reading of the ancient zodiac, you follow the horoscope advice for Gemini to find love, good luck, health, and gain insight on your personality.